Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tips on Dining Out, The Healthy Way!

How many people absolutely love weekends? The freedom to relax, hang out with friends and family, do all those fun activities, and EAT OUT!?!?! OH NO... all your hard work is instantly ruined because there aren't any healthy items on the menu... and you think, oh that's ok -- I'll just start again Monday!


I am here to share with you five tips that I think will be very helpful for you while dining out... AND you won't have to eat just rabbit food! Exploring the different ways to modify your meals is very simple and easy! These are the tips that have helped for me and normally what I do when I go out to eat.

Tip 1: Map out where you will be eating!

Why you ask? -- The reason I make this tip #1 is because it is the most crucial! If you are prepared for where you are going to dinner, you will be able to look at their online menu! Most companies nowadays share their menus on their websites. This will give you a chance to look over the menu, pick and choose what you like and think about ways you will be able to modify it to be much healthier!

Tip 2: Ask for grilled, broiled, or steamed!

Why you ask? -- Obviously, this should be a given. If you are trying to stay on track with your nutrition and fitness.. when you're out to dinner and you find an entree you like but it's breaded... ask if there is an option for it to be grilled or broiled. Breaded meats PACK on the calories... on average a 4oz piece of grilled chicken would be between 100-125 calories. If you were to get a piece of breaded chicken, there could be double if not TRIPLE the amount of calories there!! Also another tip I want to share here, if you have side options .. choose the steamed veggies!! There is no extra added fat, which essentially means no extra calories!

Tip 3: Ditch the POP/Soda!

Why you ask? -- Oh my goodness, where do I even begin here. The amount of sugar, the 16-20 ounce glass you're getting, and oh how many refills did you just have? Pop is a no go, ask for water. Most health and fitness websites mention you are suppose to drink half your weight in ounces! Add some lemon to it and you have yourself a healthy flavorful drink SUGAR FREE!!! This should be a given, just ditch the pop!

Tip 4: Sauce on the side, please!

Why you ask? -- Getting your salad dressing or sauce on the side will help cut back on those calories! If you get your sauce on the side, typically (from when I waitressed) the ramikins are about 2 oz, BUT when the restaurants put the sauce right on the entree, you can never gauge actually how much sauce you will be getting! Dressings (such as ranch) are really high in fat and calories. I usually get my salad dressing or sauce on the side and just dip my food in there but very cautious not to use a lot of it.

Tip 5: Save your cheat meal!

Why you ask? -- Ok, so when you're on your health and fitness journey -- and you'e trying to eat healthy but your friends asked you to go to dinner this weekend. OH NO, WHAT DO I DO... RESTAURANTS ARE PURE EVIL... no no no! Just listen, if you are on point with your eating habits during the week and you know you have an obligation to eat out with friends or family, be cautious throughout the week and save your cheat meal. Maybe you want to have a glass of pop or you would like to have mashed potatoes and gravy with all the fixings. You don't want to deprive yourself, and I'm not telling you you have to do this to lose weight or be healthy... just make healthy choices and you will do great!

I hope these five tips help you better handle eating out situations. I know they can be rough, and when  you're eating out with friends you don't want to be the "difficult" person but sometimes, you have to. Don't let the peer pressure of others affect your decision. It's your body, you have to live in it... not them! I am not saying I am a fitness expert or nutritionist, I am simply offering you my personal opinions and advice! I hope you find them helpful.

For more daily tips, suggestions and daily motivation about health, fitness and life in general, feel free to like my Facebook page *Make Today Your Tomorrow* ------> RIGHT over there... and Follow me on Instagram! :) @maketodayyourtmorrow -- If you like what you see, don't forget to subscribe!!

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