Friday, October 3, 2014

September 27th -- Team Beachbody Super Saturday

As you all may know I am a Team Beachbody coach! This business makes my heart so happy! The motto explains everything ... "Help People Achieve Their Goals to Lead Healthy Fulfilling Lives!"

BOOM. That is what this is all about! Helping people.... That is what we do as a company, and I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of something so big and so rewarding!

Last Saturday, we had this AMAZING event, it's called Super Saturday. It is an event to bring together all the Team Beachbody Coaches in the regions across the nation. During this event you get to hear success stories from the customers as well as the coaches, we get to learn about some general information regarding the future of Beachbody and what I love most about this event is hearing from the top leaders in this company! That's right - we get training from the Top Coaches in Beachbody, the number 1 coach to be exact!! (That's right - the number one coach in Beachbody is from the Pittsburgh area!!) How awesome is that??!?!

When you get to network with hundreds of people who are on this same path as you and are extremely passionate about the same things in life, it is such an amazing atmosphere! I couldn't be more proud to be apart of something much larger than I can even explain! We all have that one thing in common -- it is to #EndTheTrend of obesity!

After our training session, the Pittsburgh area Master Trainer, Kam Niskach, KICKED OUR BEHINDS like no other! We got a live workout with her, a combination of Insanity and PiYo. If you want to SWEAT and get a KICKA$$, intense workout - I want you to attend one of her classes. #KILLER and her energy she brings is absolutely amazing. The adrenaline rush and the high from this workout was so awesome. These workouts really focus on your inner strength and mental drive. You get to push yourself further than you ever thought you could go and that is what I love about Beachbody! Pulls you so far out of your comfort zone that you're more comfortable BEING UNCOMFORTABLE!

These events are not just for learning about the company and working out, they are for networking and bonding with your team members. These girls/guys are a huge support system in this business. They are the ones who are always there pushing you to do better and believing you are capable of achieving great things. This team you see to the right, they are supporters, motivators, comedians, and most importantly an amazing group of people who I am so thankful to call my friends! I may not have known them my entire life, and maybe not even 6 months, but they hold a very special place in my heart. 

If this event is something you would love to be apart of, January 10th --- mark your calendars, please email me at! I am so excited for the next event and I want you to come along with me!!

For more daily inspiration and motivation, please follow me on Instagram, @maketodayyourtomorrow OR like me on Facebook! Link right over there ------>

Thank you all for your support and reading my blog. Love you all!

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