Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Shortcuts? An Easy Way Out!

Today my husband and I had some errands to run and needed to pick up a few groceries. Traffic was crazy due to it of course being rush hour, but on top of that it was raining. Pittsburgh traffic during any type of precipitation is CRAZINESS times a million!!

So here were are sitting in traffic and I asked Craig if I should take this exit to go around the back way. He said if you think it will be quicker go ahead. Mind you I am a VERY impatient person when it comes to sitting in traffic. I don't like just sitting still. I have to find a way to keep moving.... WHICH IS NOT A GOOD QUALITY! So after I get off the exit, traffic is at a halt AGAIN.. it was a lose lose situation. So, here I am again, "Craig, should I turn left and go that way?" He of course responds the same thing, if you think it will be quicker. Hmmm, ok let's go, it's all about taking risks. Make the left turn. Traffic/Red Lights. MAN DOWN for sure at this point.

After finally getting moving at a decent speed, I realize... this road takes me no where near where I need to go, and here I am thinking this is a short cut. WRONG STEPH WRONG WRONG WRONG! So, with all this being said... I eventually got back on the route I was after the first time.. only an hour later did I actually show up where I needed to be!

Why am I telling you this crazy story... well here's the thing! Shortcuts in life are not always the shortest routes. They may seem like it because they are obviously called "short cuts" but in regards to the story above, it took me a lot longer to get where I needed to be by taking these short cuts. You may think you're getting close to where you need to be, but something along this "shorter" route is likely to get in the way; therefore, setting you back further to where you were before. It may take you double the amount of time to get to your final destination.

In relation to my health and fitness journey, I tried taking many shortcuts. I tried diet pills, fad diets, and other things that would help me lose weight really fast but only caused me to gain it right back, and double the amount of weight! These shortcuts or quick fixes as some people call it, DO NOT WORK! This health and fitness journey is a long journey. There are hours and hours of dedication, tears, sweat, and a lot of effort put forth to see the end results! I have learned this over the last 21 months. I am totally ok going my own speed since I know there are no shortcuts. I'd rather stay on this route I know which will work than steering off to see if a shortcut will actually benefit me!

Granted, some shortcuts may work for some people, but in the long run what was the actual benefit of taking that shortcut? An easy way out? I don't want the easy way. I want to enjoy this journey and take it all in knowing I put up an amazing fight to get to where I need to be! It will make me feel much more accomplished in the long run!

I am hosting a challenge group on October 27th. Just in time for the holidays to come rolling in. If you are ready to lose the excuses, avoid the shortcuts, and make a change in your life for the better... please email me at or find me on Facebook!

Please also like me on Instagram @maketodayyourtomorrow!

Friday, October 3, 2014

September 27th -- Team Beachbody Super Saturday

As you all may know I am a Team Beachbody coach! This business makes my heart so happy! The motto explains everything ... "Help People Achieve Their Goals to Lead Healthy Fulfilling Lives!"

BOOM. That is what this is all about! Helping people.... That is what we do as a company, and I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of something so big and so rewarding!

Last Saturday, we had this AMAZING event, it's called Super Saturday. It is an event to bring together all the Team Beachbody Coaches in the regions across the nation. During this event you get to hear success stories from the customers as well as the coaches, we get to learn about some general information regarding the future of Beachbody and what I love most about this event is hearing from the top leaders in this company! That's right - we get training from the Top Coaches in Beachbody, the number 1 coach to be exact!! (That's right - the number one coach in Beachbody is from the Pittsburgh area!!) How awesome is that??!?!

When you get to network with hundreds of people who are on this same path as you and are extremely passionate about the same things in life, it is such an amazing atmosphere! I couldn't be more proud to be apart of something much larger than I can even explain! We all have that one thing in common -- it is to #EndTheTrend of obesity!

After our training session, the Pittsburgh area Master Trainer, Kam Niskach, KICKED OUR BEHINDS like no other! We got a live workout with her, a combination of Insanity and PiYo. If you want to SWEAT and get a KICKA$$, intense workout - I want you to attend one of her classes. #KILLER and her energy she brings is absolutely amazing. The adrenaline rush and the high from this workout was so awesome. These workouts really focus on your inner strength and mental drive. You get to push yourself further than you ever thought you could go and that is what I love about Beachbody! Pulls you so far out of your comfort zone that you're more comfortable BEING UNCOMFORTABLE!

These events are not just for learning about the company and working out, they are for networking and bonding with your team members. These girls/guys are a huge support system in this business. They are the ones who are always there pushing you to do better and believing you are capable of achieving great things. This team you see to the right, they are supporters, motivators, comedians, and most importantly an amazing group of people who I am so thankful to call my friends! I may not have known them my entire life, and maybe not even 6 months, but they hold a very special place in my heart. 

If this event is something you would love to be apart of, January 10th --- mark your calendars, please email me at! I am so excited for the next event and I want you to come along with me!!

For more daily inspiration and motivation, please follow me on Instagram, @maketodayyourtomorrow OR like me on Facebook! Link right over there ------>

Thank you all for your support and reading my blog. Love you all!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month #PayItForward

Happy October Everyone, we are officially Day 2 into the month! How many people can say this year has absolutely FLOWN by! I feel like just yesterday I was stressing about planning my wedding, and here we are almost five months post wedding!!! Craziness.

This month my team and I are are coming together to #PayItForward. For the entire month of October, we will #drinkpink! If you don't know what that means, let me explain! We are all Team Beachbody Coaches. We help support people towards their health and fitness goals. We also teach our challengers the importance of self worth and living a happier lifestyle!

So what does #drinkpink actually mean?

We drink Shakeology! It is an amazing nutritional shake made with over 70 super foods! It helps reduce cravings, assists with weight loss, increased energy and also helps with your digestive system! It is also clinically proven to help lower cholesterol! Some members of our team will be drinking Strawberry Shakeology and others will simply add ingredients to their current flavor to make the shakes Pink! :) How fun right?

How are we going to be #PayingItForward?

Obviously it makes no sense to just #drinkpink, so we have decided to step it up and support a great cause. For the entire month of October, every challenge pack the team sells (this is a workout program of your choice, as well as Shakeology) we will be donating $10 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure! When we sell a Shakeology HD, we will be donating $5 to the organization.

Why are we even doing this?

We are very passionate about helping the lives of others. We are passionate about helping people get in the best shape of their lives. Change their lives for the better. We want people to see their greatest potential and not be afraid to stand up for what they really want. No matter where you are in life, we want to help you see the amazing things life has to offer if you just believe! We are donating money because we are passionate about helping the communities around us and want to #PayItForward.

What can you do to help?
If you would like to join us for our #DrinkPink Challenge, please email me at! You can join our #ThinkPink Challenge Groups and also get started on living a happier and healthier lifestyle today!

For more inspiration and daily motivation, please link me on Facebook ( -----> Just click the link, right over there! You can also like me on Instagram! @maketodayyourtomororw!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Road to Financial Freedom

I want to share with you a story. A story about a girl who was so dependent on credit cards to survive while in college, even while working 2-3 jobs.

I was not good with managing my money, I would always buy things I didn't need.. I needed books for school, I 'wanted' new clothes, I 'wanted' to do those cool things with my friends and there I was oblivious to it all until I got my bills each month and realized I was drowning myself in credit card debt! I never had much direction in life on the importance of credit cards, and why they shouldn't be used for everyday life purchases... At this moment in life, I am somewhat grateful for the ignorance because it helped me get a better grip on my finances today.

As I look back at those irresponsible years, I see all the things I could have done better. But here's the thing.. if I would not have made those mistakes, I don't think I would be on this same path I am now. Sometimes you just have to stumble and fall before you can take off full speed running. And that's exactly what I did.

The day that really sticks with me is the day that I couldn't afford to get gas because my account was overdrawn, I had just quit my waitressing job because I was completely miserable, the 10 hour shifts making barely minimum wage in tips (some other issues as well) and feeling completely defeated and no where to turn. How was I ever going to get myself out of this mess. I was scraping up every penny I had to try to make ends meet and with credit cards maxed out, I had hit rock bottom. Borrowing money from people was not something I did, I always managed to find a way to figure things out but at this moment in my life, I was in complete despair. I couldn't even begin to put all the pieces together in my head on how I let myself get to this point. It was embarrassing, point blank.

As the years went on and I started making more money, I decided to make myself a budget worksheet. I would write down all of my bills that I had to pay each month, beginning of the month and middle of the month. I made a "virtual checkbook". I would keep track of all my expenses, and what I would spend my money on. Once you have a visual of how much money you actually WASTE, it is totally eye opening! As I was still working two jobs, I still struggled with money issues of course but I was making my way to the end of that tunnel... if it was the last thing I did!

Fast forward to May of 2014, our wedding month! :) My husband and I had been saving for about a year and a half to pay for our wedding ourselves. We managed to save up the $10,000 to have a gorgeous, intimate beach wedding with our closet friends and families in the beautiful Outer Banks, North Carolina. While we would have loved to have our entire family there, it was financially smarter for us since we were paying for the entire thing ourselves. We couldn't have asked for a more blessed day!! After the wedding was over, we racked up about another $1,500 in credit card debt - but this was in all my fault because there were things I really wanted and yes I was getting in over my head a little.

But here's the was kind of like a light bulb went off! I was more focused on bettering my life since joining Team Beachbody, and seeing all my friends and fellow coaches talking about how they are paying off their debt and are on their road to financial freedom, I got to thinking, WHY CAN'T I DO THAT?!?! So I did! I made a plan, I started paying more than just the minimum balances on my credit cards, and stopped using them all together! I have not made a single credit card purchase since May of this year, and I am so very excited.

Glad you stuck around this long because here's the best part of this post, since mid-May of 2014... yes, just shy of 5 months, my husband and I have managed to pay off $3,200+ in credit card debt! IT IS GONE FOREVER!! We have been working so hard and making daily, weekly, and monthly sacrifices because we are looking to better our lives. With just two credit cards remaining, I am very excited to say... there is no doubt in my mind that we will beat our goal of wanting to be credit card debt free fairly soon!

Why am I telling you this? Why do you even care? I am sharing this with you because I know what it's like to struggle, I am paying off all this credit card debt and still have thousands of dollars in student loans! But I am on the road to a bright and financially free life... Credit cards are only as evil as you let them be, I am learning from my past mistakes and I am looking forward to a bright future! If you would like to join me on this journey, please reach out to me and let's chat! For more information about my budget worksheet, please feel free to email me at! I would be more than willing to share it with you!

For more inspiration and daily motivation, please follow me on Facebook --> Link right over there, Make Today Your Tomorrow or Follow me on Instagram, @maketodayyourtomorrow!