Hi All! I know it's been a long time, but I've been really putting in some thought of how I wanted to design my blog to be more appealing to my awesome subscribers! I thought by sharing my personal experiences and explaining my view on things would be a great approach. I want to help more people succeed in life, and realize that they may not be the only one going through a type of situation. This blog may provide them with something to turn to, to reassure them they are not in this alone!
I want to start off by sharing a quote daily.. kind of like the "Quote of the Day!" I will share stories, and personal life experiences on how I have overcome these and how it has gotten me to where I am today. I hope these stories will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, or speak up and shine through to realize you are in charge of your own happiness.
Here is today's "Quote of the Day!" This one is related to my health and fitness journey! It seriously puts everything into perspective and I find it to be so very true!
Before January 2013, when I officially took full charge on my health and fitness journey, I could probably say I used at least three to four of these excuses every single day... seriously, they get SO OLD! How many times have you asked a friend to go workout with you and you heard these excuses... OVER IT, RIGHT? Well the thing is, when you stop making excuses, YOU START SEEING RESULTS! Every excuse under the sun, I've probably used it.
My biggest excuse EVER that stuck with me for a long period of time, it's in my genes! This was my biggest setback, when I wasn't seeing results, I constantly told myself -- it's because I was meant to look like this, I wasn't meant to be thin/fit. How many people have used this excuse? Here's the thing though... when I put my mind and determination to the test, 20 months later... I am 32 pounds lighter and have shed 20+ inches overall! I am not meant to "look like I did"... I just wasn't putting forth my all. I was eating out all the time, I was a cardio bunny, I didn't like lifting weights because I didn't want to get "big and bulky".. my oh my oh my!
November 12, 2012 - I got engaged. This CHANGED everything. I went to the gym occasionally but never actually got my nutrition in line nor was I following through with my workouts. It wasn't until January 1, 2013 where I put forth my all and knew that 2013 was my year to bring "my sexy back". HAHA! January 1, 2013 I was off from my full time day job, but had to work at a part time job. I went to the gym before my afternoon shift and got in some cardio then off to work I went. I incorporated cardio and very little weight training to my routine for about four months. I was down 16 pounds!!! SWEET! FINALLY SOME PROGRESS.
So I got my exercise in line, but after my birthday - April 17th, I noticed I was not seeing any difference. I tried adding in some body pump while still doing some cardio, but I realized nothing was helping me! Here's the thing, I was still eating out, and doing what I use to do -- and still working out like a wild woman. I plateaued... for EIGHT AND A HALF MONTHS!!!!! 8 1/2 months teetering back and forth in a five pound range was seriously the most frustrating thing in this journey so far... I just couldn't figure out what I needed to adjust.
Here is the thing, they say to see results it's 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.... DING DING DING!!!! NUTRITION!!! This is why I wasn't seeing any inches fall off, I wasn't seeing any changes in the way my clothes fit or anything. I was stuck. January 2014, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Beachbody and Shakeology (the healthiest meal of the day/nutritional shake)! Ever hear of Insanity or P90X? Yep, these are beachbody workout programs... they have proven to give you AMAZING results. Well, I ventured out into the world and tried something new... I was a little nervous because these are at home workouts, and I was definitely a gym rate. But honestly, these at home workouts changed my life! I was able to get in a great 25-30 minute workout from the comfort of my own home! When I started drinking Shakeology and doing T25 (a slightly modified version of Insanity, IMO) I was able to drop 10 pounds and another 6 inches! HOLY MOLY are you serious?! I hadn't seen these types of results in 8 1/2 months going to the gym 5-6 days a week! CRAZINESS. I continued my journey with the beachbody programs and to this day I don't think I could ever turn back. I am forever grateful for beachbody changing my life.
So overall, excuses -- LEAVE THEM AT THE DOOR. Once you are willing to give up your "I'm too tired" or "I had a bad day" excuse... you might actually just start seeing those results!!
If you are interested in learning more about the beachbody workout programs or Shakeology, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the blog. I would love to chat with you about our upcoming Fall Fitness Frenzy Accountability group beginning September 22nd!! There are a limited number of spaces, so don't wait to join! :)
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