Thursday, September 25, 2014

Suck It Up! You want to see results, DO THE WORK!

Today, I am going to share something with you that I really just want to get off my chest.

Since I was a teenager, I have always been one to compare myself to other people, someone who always got picked on and never really fit in with the “cool kids”. Here’s the thing, those experiences I dealt with growing up have really had a negative impact on me mentally. I am constantly trying to fit in, seeking pity, and basically asking why me? I struggled a lot with self-confidence and feeling like I would never amount to anything in life. I lacked the motivation and support from a family, and never really had someone standing by my side saying “Yes, you can”. It’s been extremely hard for me to be successful in anything because I always gave up. I would always run and hide when things got hard because I was so afraid of putting in the effort it took to be successful. 
Today, I am slowly trying to get over these fears and struggles.. I still struggle a lot and wonder why me on some things, and why do people forget about me.. but here’s the thing. IT IS A PROCESS. Yes, I have failed at things that have left me feeling hopeless and defeated, but beginning back in June of this year, I have really started to stay focused on my goals and know to NEVER GIVE UP even when I have failed.
I am sharing this with you because I have thought of myself as a failure in some aspects. I feel like I fail my team. I have thought of myself as someone who would never amount to anything. I have thought of myself as someone who would never be good enough. But here’s the thing, those thoughts are all in the past. They are all thoughts that I KNOW I AM IN CONTROL OF. Thoughts that I know I can change. I know that I am the ONLY person who will ever be able to consider myself a failure… and you know what… I AM NOT A FAILURE!
So what if I don’t have a lot of friends, I have the people who I know I can trust and who are there to help me every step of the way in any situation life may throw my way. So what if I lacked support and encouragement growing up, I have found that those close friends and newly added family members (marriage) will stand by my side through all the ups and downs. WHO CARES if those people from middle school and high school didn't like you, DO THEY MATTER NOW? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! 
Here I stand 27 years old, I define myself as a very hard working woman. A woman who has been thrown may curve balls but is still able to overcome them. I have gained strength and courage over the last three and a half months and it has helped me realize all the potential I do have to be something amazing. I want to help people find this courage, to find the strength to overcome all those negative experiences ---- that have made them think they will never amount to anything. Believe me when I say, you are worthy. You are amazing. If anyone tells you, you cannot do whatever it is you want to do… IGNORE THEM because who are they to limit your abilities to be something special. 
Beachbody has not helped me make a HUGE PHYSICAL transformation like most people you see, but my goodness… this team, this support, this motivation, the value of this company has CHANGED ME MENTALLY in a way I could never come up with enough words to explain my gratitude. It has helped me realize that I am everything and more than I ever thought I would ever amount to. This mental transformation for me, it is something I am so beyond grateful for. I love what this company stands for, I love the core values, I just love everything this company has to offer. 
I have always cared what others thought, I have always compared myself to where others are. I have begged for pity through many situations in my life.. I am not proud of these things and I don’t want to be that person anymore. The only way you are able to be successful is if you stop making excuses, suck it up and just do the work. No one else is going to tell you how to live your life. You are the ONLY person who matters in this journey. 
It is time to stop begging for acceptance, if people don’t like you.. oh well, GET OVER IT. You won’t be liked by everyone. If you didn't reach that first goal you set, suck it up – work a little bit harder the next time. If you aren't seeing the results you want, are you really putting forth 100%? This post is not directed towards anyone BUT MYSELF. I tend to make myself a victim in quite a few situations, but the time has come and I AM DONE. Success will be mine. I will conqueror all these goals I have set for myself. 
If you are ready to stop making those excuses for yourself as well, please email me at and let’s team up and crush these goals. DO IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU ARE WORTH IT! NO MORE EXCUSES.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Consistency. It Can Make YOU or Break You.

Good evening to all my lovely blog readers! So glad you'e back to read more. It's Friday evening and I'm hanging out at home, just working on my business and trying to figure out ways to be more successful!

I have so many great ideas and my mind just starts flooding with this overwhelming feeling - so I just have to stay focused and committed to these goals and eventually everything will fall into place! :) Tonight, I want to share with you a little thing that I believe can completely make you or break you... so, IMO, essentially it is what will determine whether or not people listen to/follow you or just call your bluff.


Consistency is so important when you're trying to learn something new, beginning a new weight lifting program, following a new diet plan, starting up your own business, or even rewind to your childhood years when you were trying to ride your bicycle without training wheels for the first time.. you didn't give up, you were consistent until you learned how to do it by yourself!

It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life and make excuses as to why you can't complete one of the tasks on your to do list.. or you didn't do your workout, failed with your meal plan, etc. Here's the thing ... if you always make an excuses, you'll stay in that exact same spot. I know that I wouldn't want a personal trainer or nutritionist who just decides to give it there all one day and for the next four days they're sitting at home on their couch watching television, eating bon bons. UM, really? No thanks! I want a someone who will be right there with me at the gym 5-7 days a week.. CONSISTENTLY learning and getting better!

Sometimes life may hurt and knock you down, but this is where the true strength is noticed. This strength is noticed when you are affected by something so terrifying, something so determined to knock you completely down, maybe even kick you around a little -- but you still manage to get back up. Your followers, your subscribers, everyone around you should be the reason you get back up... AND FOR YOURSELF. You just have to dig deep down, realize you are worth doing amazing things, and know to never give up.

Believing in yourself is such a huge factor as well with being consistent. You have to believe that when you fall down you are able to get right back up. If you have a bad week at work, with your business, working out, meal planning, anything -- you have to know that you cannot stay down forever. You're "why" to continue whichever journey you decide to take off on, this "why" must be so strong that you know you can't imagine your life any other way then on this path you're taking. You're attitude will be contagious, and when you're consistent... more people will realize their self worth and that is the greatest reward of of all.

I hope that you all find this information helpful and see why it is so important to stay focused and on track with whatever you are doing. Please feel free to share this with any friends and/or family that may find this helpful!

--Also, please like me on Facebook -------> YEP! Right over there, {}
or follow me on Instagram, @maketodayyourtomorow!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tips on Dining Out, The Healthy Way!

How many people absolutely love weekends? The freedom to relax, hang out with friends and family, do all those fun activities, and EAT OUT!?!?! OH NO... all your hard work is instantly ruined because there aren't any healthy items on the menu... and you think, oh that's ok -- I'll just start again Monday!


I am here to share with you five tips that I think will be very helpful for you while dining out... AND you won't have to eat just rabbit food! Exploring the different ways to modify your meals is very simple and easy! These are the tips that have helped for me and normally what I do when I go out to eat.

Tip 1: Map out where you will be eating!

Why you ask? -- The reason I make this tip #1 is because it is the most crucial! If you are prepared for where you are going to dinner, you will be able to look at their online menu! Most companies nowadays share their menus on their websites. This will give you a chance to look over the menu, pick and choose what you like and think about ways you will be able to modify it to be much healthier!

Tip 2: Ask for grilled, broiled, or steamed!

Why you ask? -- Obviously, this should be a given. If you are trying to stay on track with your nutrition and fitness.. when you're out to dinner and you find an entree you like but it's breaded... ask if there is an option for it to be grilled or broiled. Breaded meats PACK on the calories... on average a 4oz piece of grilled chicken would be between 100-125 calories. If you were to get a piece of breaded chicken, there could be double if not TRIPLE the amount of calories there!! Also another tip I want to share here, if you have side options .. choose the steamed veggies!! There is no extra added fat, which essentially means no extra calories!

Tip 3: Ditch the POP/Soda!

Why you ask? -- Oh my goodness, where do I even begin here. The amount of sugar, the 16-20 ounce glass you're getting, and oh how many refills did you just have? Pop is a no go, ask for water. Most health and fitness websites mention you are suppose to drink half your weight in ounces! Add some lemon to it and you have yourself a healthy flavorful drink SUGAR FREE!!! This should be a given, just ditch the pop!

Tip 4: Sauce on the side, please!

Why you ask? -- Getting your salad dressing or sauce on the side will help cut back on those calories! If you get your sauce on the side, typically (from when I waitressed) the ramikins are about 2 oz, BUT when the restaurants put the sauce right on the entree, you can never gauge actually how much sauce you will be getting! Dressings (such as ranch) are really high in fat and calories. I usually get my salad dressing or sauce on the side and just dip my food in there but very cautious not to use a lot of it.

Tip 5: Save your cheat meal!

Why you ask? -- Ok, so when you're on your health and fitness journey -- and you'e trying to eat healthy but your friends asked you to go to dinner this weekend. OH NO, WHAT DO I DO... RESTAURANTS ARE PURE EVIL... no no no! Just listen, if you are on point with your eating habits during the week and you know you have an obligation to eat out with friends or family, be cautious throughout the week and save your cheat meal. Maybe you want to have a glass of pop or you would like to have mashed potatoes and gravy with all the fixings. You don't want to deprive yourself, and I'm not telling you you have to do this to lose weight or be healthy... just make healthy choices and you will do great!

I hope these five tips help you better handle eating out situations. I know they can be rough, and when  you're eating out with friends you don't want to be the "difficult" person but sometimes, you have to. Don't let the peer pressure of others affect your decision. It's your body, you have to live in it... not them! I am not saying I am a fitness expert or nutritionist, I am simply offering you my personal opinions and advice! I hope you find them helpful.

For more daily tips, suggestions and daily motivation about health, fitness and life in general, feel free to like my Facebook page *Make Today Your Tomorrow* ------> RIGHT over there... and Follow me on Instagram! :) @maketodayyourtmorrow -- If you like what you see, don't forget to subscribe!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do!

Good Morning followers, newbies, and all my lovely friends! :)

I wanted to share with you today something that means a lot to me because honestly for my entire life, I have never really had anyone pushing me to get to where I am today but that didn't stop me from working towards my goals and dreams. The quote of the day today is going to be "Dreams don't work unless you do!"

This quote really puts everything into perspective.. because it very self-explanatory. You see, you will accomplish nothing until you are willing to work on accomplishing something! How many times have you dreamt about being debt free, losing 10 pounds, owning your own business, landing that dream job, or owning your own home? In order to accomplish these things, you must come up with a plan, stick with it, and eventually things will fall into place! I have worked extremely hard for the last 13 years to accomplish everything I have.

I was fourteen years old beginning my first job. It was a summer program where I would have to "work" about 6 hours Monday through Friday. I mean what kind of 14 year old wants to spend their summers working? THIS GIRL!! I came from a family that did not have a lot of money, I wasn't able to go shopping at the mall or do the fun things all my other friends were doing BUT I wanted to do those things, so I had to work for it. This mindset put me on a path I knew would take me far. I feel that if I would not have started working at such a young age, I may not be where I am today. I was focused, determined, and wanted things I didn't have at the time.

Fast forward to June of 2005, I was graduating high school... I was always told that I was to go to college, but no one in my family did so I was falling into a path where nope, I don't want to go. I didn't want to spend four years in college, it just wasn't what I was looking to do. However, something came over me and I decided to start my college career at a technical school, Bradford School in Pittsburgh. I moved away with a close friend from high school and we started our adventure as college students just 2 weeks after graduating High School!! We were eager to begin this journey. I have to say I am very thankful that I changed my mind and went to college because I became even more focused and determined. I worked about a year and a half after graduating with my Associate's degree then decided I wanted to go back to college for my Bachelor's Degree.. in January 2010, I was officially a full time student again at Robert Morris University!

Why am I telling you all of this... because these are just some of the steps I had to take to get to where I am today... Fast forward to September 2014... I am a college graduate, I landed my first official "salaried position" two weeks BEFORE I was graduating college. It was so awesome to not have to stress about if and when I would find a job because the economy wasn't doing so well during this time. I busted my behind to get to this point in my life.. I would work multiple jobs while in college just to ensure I was able to pay my bills.. Most people would have probably given up at this point. Sacrifices needed to be made... I knew it would suck at first but the outcome would be so much more rewarding than feeling that sense of regret for the rest of my life.

I bought my first brand new car. I pay for everything I have. I worked my butt off. I paid for my own wedding, no help from family or friends. I would work multiple jobs. I have my own apartment. I put myself through college, every penny of the way. I cried a lot because of stress. I have paid off 75% of my credit card debt within the last 4 months. I am looking to purchase my first home. I NEVER GAVE UP. I am excited to see what my future holds for me.

My life may have thrown me many curveballs.. sometimes I thought how am I ever going to overcome this, but deep down... you will find that strength. It may take a lot longer sometimes but you have to focus on getting back up rather than staying knocked down. Rise above it all and you will come out on top. Because remember, Dreams Don't Work Unless YOU DO!

Please don't forget to like me on Facebook, subscribe to my blog and follow me on Instagram!

If you are looking for a way to help you reach your dreams and goals, looking for someone to help keep you accountable, email me at or fill out the contact form below! I would love to chat with you about an amazing opportunity!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Leave your excuse at the door.

Hi All! I know it's been a long time, but I've been really putting in some thought of how I wanted to design my blog to be more appealing to my awesome subscribers! I thought by sharing my personal experiences and explaining my view on things would be a great approach. I want to help more people succeed in life, and realize that they may not be the only one going through a type of situation. This blog may provide them with something to turn to, to reassure them they are not in this alone! 

I want to start off by sharing a quote daily.. kind of like the "Quote of the Day!" I will share stories, and personal life experiences on how I have overcome these and how it has gotten me to where I am today. I hope these stories will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, or speak up and shine through to realize you are in charge of your own happiness.

Here is today's "Quote of the Day!" This one is related to my health and fitness journey! It seriously puts everything into perspective and I find it to be so very true!

Before January 2013, when I officially took full charge on my health and fitness journey, I could probably say I used at least three to four of these excuses every single day... seriously, they get SO OLD! How many times have you asked a friend to go workout with you and you heard these excuses... OVER IT, RIGHT? Well the thing is, when you stop making excuses, YOU START SEEING RESULTS! Every excuse under the sun, I've probably used it.

My biggest excuse EVER that stuck with me for a long period of time, it's in my genes! This was my biggest setback, when I wasn't seeing results, I constantly told myself -- it's because I was meant to look like this, I wasn't meant to be thin/fit. How many people have used this excuse? Here's the thing though... when I put my mind and determination to the test, 20 months later... I am 32 pounds lighter and have shed 20+ inches overall! I am not meant to "look like I did"... I just wasn't putting forth my all. I was eating out all the time, I was a cardio bunny, I didn't like lifting weights because I didn't want to get "big and bulky".. my oh my oh my!

November 12, 2012 - I got engaged. This CHANGED everything. I went to the gym occasionally but never actually got my nutrition in line nor was I following through with my workouts. It wasn't until January 1, 2013 where I put forth my all and knew that 2013 was my year to bring "my sexy back". HAHA! January 1, 2013 I was off from my full time day job, but had to work at a part time job. I went to the gym before my afternoon shift and got in some cardio then off to work I went. I incorporated cardio and very little weight training to my routine for about four months. I was down 16 pounds!!! SWEET! FINALLY SOME PROGRESS.

So I got my exercise in line, but after my birthday - April 17th, I noticed I was not seeing any difference. I tried adding in some body pump while still doing some cardio, but I realized nothing was helping me! Here's the thing, I was still eating out, and doing what I use to do -- and still working out like a wild woman. I plateaued... for EIGHT AND A HALF MONTHS!!!!! 8 1/2 months teetering back and forth in a five pound range was seriously the most frustrating thing in this journey so far... I just couldn't figure out what I needed to adjust.

Here is the thing, they say to see results it's 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.... DING DING DING!!!! NUTRITION!!! This is why I wasn't seeing any inches fall off, I wasn't seeing any changes in the way my clothes fit or anything. I was stuck. January 2014, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Beachbody and Shakeology (the healthiest meal of the day/nutritional shake)! Ever hear of Insanity or P90X? Yep, these are beachbody workout programs... they have proven to give you AMAZING results. Well, I ventured out into the world and tried something new... I was a little nervous because these are at home workouts, and I was definitely a gym rate. But honestly, these at home workouts changed my life! I was able to get in a great 25-30 minute workout from the comfort of my own home! When I started drinking Shakeology and doing T25 (a slightly modified version of Insanity, IMO) I was able to drop 10 pounds and another 6 inches! HOLY MOLY are you serious?! I hadn't seen these types of results in 8 1/2 months going to the gym 5-6 days a week! CRAZINESS. I continued my journey with the beachbody programs and to this day I don't think I could ever turn back. I am forever grateful for beachbody changing my life.

So overall, excuses -- LEAVE THEM AT THE DOOR. Once you are willing to give up your "I'm too tired" or "I had a bad day" excuse... you might actually just start seeing those results!!

If you are interested in learning more about the beachbody workout programs or Shakeology, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the blog. I would love to chat with you about our upcoming Fall Fitness Frenzy Accountability group beginning September 22nd!! There are a limited number of spaces, so don't wait to join! :)

Follow me on Instagram: @maketodayyourtomorrow
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