Sunday, February 2, 2014

Off Day & Super Bowl Sunday... Let's Go Steelers, haha!!!

It's Sunday already! These weekends just go by way too fast... thinking about having to go back to work on Monday is so depressing :( ugh! But definitely got caught up on a good bit of sleep and getting the apartment cleaned up and laundry done!! Productive weekends are better than just hanging out like a couch potato, for sure!!

But ok it is Sunday and this week it is my off day from the gym and running and I'm about to lose my mind! What do you all do for your off days? I feel very unproductive when I don't work out but think there has to be something to keep active on my off days. I also have a Fitbit Force and my daily goal for steps is 10,000 and with my off day I find it very hard for me to get there! :( any suggestions are greatly appreciated! 

Super Bowl Sunday .... has kind of a sentimental meaning to it for me!! The Steelers are not playing in it so it's kind of a whatever game for me, but 3 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday .. I met my future hubby! I can't believe it's already been that long! Feels like a lifetime ago.. crazy how somethings work out!! So, who's your pick in the Super Bowl? Im going to go with the Broncos... they play like Champions and I think Peyton deserves it, but I'm not much of a sports enthusiast so I can't really give my "expert" opinion, haha! GO STEELERS!!! So what kind of healthy snacks are you having for your Super Bowl get together? We're having cheese and crackers, and some healthy chicken nuggets I found on the Fitness Barbie's blog! :) check her out she's pretty awesome! Her fitness and health story is so inspiring!

But hope you all have a great night with your friends and family if you have parties to attend, have fun and don't pig out too much!!! 

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