Tuesday, February 18, 2014

T25 Update!

So I'm not the one that likes to workout at home, I'd rather be the girl pumping iron at the gym and getting in those miles on the treadmill... but since the beginning of February, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and finally gave T25 a shot!! I am now working on Week 3! I can't believe I've stuck with it this far, and I could not be any more excited with the results I've been seeing!

Since starting T25 and Shakeology, I am down 2 inches overall, and down .8 lbs! Although, I am sure I could have been down a little bit more in weight - I did splurge a little this past weekend because of Valentine's Day, our anniversary and the bake sale we had at work to raise money for the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation. But I am human and enjoy the not so healthy snacks here and there, but I immediately jumped right back on track Saturday and have not missed a workout since starting the program!!

Although, I do still go the the gym to run/train for the half marathon, I feel feel that I am seeing a little more definition in my arms/shoulders but obviously I look/see my body everyday so I think once others start seeing the results it'll make a bit happier.... but I am not giving up!! I've come too far now :)

I am so excited to keep seeing changes and getting in even better shape for my wedding! Stay tune for week 5 workout results coming in early March! :-)

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