Good Evening Everyone! It's Friday night, and I just got paid.... and I'm sitting at home writing this blog post :) haha. I enjoy this though, I get to share with you all my stories, tips, inspiration, etc. and hopefully inspire one of you out there to want to live life happier, healthier, and without fear. So, if that means sitting at home on a Friday night with my two four legged fur babies (hubby is a DJ so he is at work) typing out this blog post, then hey I am all about it!
So how many people have ever said they don't have enough time? Or they have started working out and eating healthy but they aren't seeing any results? They get frustrated after a week and start going back to their old habits. Did you know it takes 21 days to build a habit... if you stayed focused for just 21 days with eating clean, working out, reading a book, spending more time with your families, or practicing ways to better manage your time, could you imagine what your life would be like if you continued doing just that everyday.... 21 days, THREE WEEKS, and you could build a new (positive) habit. But why can't people last this long... why can't one just dedicate three weeks of their life to make positive changes... it's actually quite simple...... instant gratification.
People want to see things instantaneously. They don't want to wait 2 years to lose 100 pounds... they don't want to want to spend 30 minutes to an hour a day working out... heck, some people don't even want to spend 30 minutes cooking dinner - so they jump in a car and head to the first fast food restaurant they see. People are too impatient, people want things and they want it now.
Here is an example of how I dealt with the time issue and didn't let instant gratification win..
During my weight loss journey, I started full force/religiously on January 1, 2013. People always make those "I'm going to lose weight" New Year's Resolution, but this time it was different.. 1) I had a wedding to get in shape for and 2) I really started holding myself accountable. I was in a Biggest Loser contest at work, and the person who was able to lose the largest percentage of body fat would be rewarded with money. WELL WHO DOESN'T ENJOY MONEY... and a little competition. Fast forward 6 weeks from the beginning of that contest, and I came in third place BUT I was the only girl who was able to place in the top five so I was very excited! :) I didn't want my success to end there, so I kept pushing... After 4 months, I was down 16 pounds. I was quite excited for this journey -- and hearing all the positive reinforcements kept me pushing for more... BUT I ended up plateauing and couldn't really figure out why I couldn't lose more weight. I could have easily given up, but I continued working out and trying to eat healthier.
Left Photo: January 2013 - Right Photo: April 2014
It wasn't until the following February that my weight began to come off again -- 8 MONTHS AT A PLATEAU... that was every reason to give up, I wasn't losing any weight -- but I was determined to find a way. In February, I was introduced to Beachbody, Shakeology and gained more knowledge of clean eating. I was able to take charge on my diet, switch up my workout routines and I was able to finally lose the last 8 annoying pounds in 3 short months before my wedding. I was finally down to my goal weight in April of 2014. 16 MONTHS... It took me 16 months, hours upon hours at the gym, many sacrifices to skip spending nights at the bars with friends and sleep because I knew what I wanted.
The society today doesn't want to wait.. they want things INSTANTANEOUSLY... Success doesn't come like that. You cannot go to sleep and wake up the next day and expect to have a million dollars in your bank account, it just doesn't work like that. It takes time, effort and willingness to stay focused towards what you really want. The light at the end of the tunnel may be very faint, but as you continue to repeat your actions every single day, you are bound to get out of that tunnel and see the bright future you have ahead of you. You are bound to do great things if you just give it time.
-Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
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