Friday, August 22, 2014

My Dream Board - Goal #1

How many of you have a dream board? A board that shows all the goals you want to accomplish. You can have goals you want to achieve within the next week, month, or even year! Do your goals include making more money, getting a new job, maybe graduating college, getting in better shape, or start eating healthier? Whatever it is you should write it down on a piece of paper, or if you are a visual kind of person, create a poster and cut out pictures of your goals you want to achieve and hang it somewhere you are able to see it everyday! This will not only give you a constant reminder of what you want to accomplish but it may just help hold you accountable to it as well!

I want to share with you some of my goals, so stick around to hear them all!!

My first goal is to buy my first home. I have been dreaming of this day for forever (well more like since I graduated college). Growing up my parents never owned a house, we have always rented... and as you may read from a previous post is we were constantly moving and we never really had a place to call "home".

I want to be able to purchase my first home, raise a family and start making many life long memories. While we are currently unsure of the area, we know round about what kind of home we are looking for. It's funny having this conversation with my husband because he wants a duplex. He wants an "investment" property for our first home, and I am totally against it. I want to be able to enjoy my home without worrying about someone stomping up and down the stairs, playing the music super loud, and people coming in and out all hours of the evening. I am looking forward to the day we are able to call ourselves "HOMEOWNERS!"

Anyways, this is my first goal I am sharing with you all. What are the types of goals you are looking to reach? Share below! :)

"Don't dream your life, live your dream!"

Looking for your daily dose of motivation and inspiration:
Instagram: @maketodayyourtomorrow

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